Monday 30 November 2009

The worst blog in the world?

This must be the most rubbish blog in the world. I'm always forgetting about it, I rarely update it, and what's here isn't much good either. (Although the post about my old diary always makes me laugh.)

Since I last posted I've started up my own business baking cupcakes. I love doing it and enjoy the positive feedback I receive from satisfied customers, but there's something about it that makes me cringe. It's just so Yummy Mummy to have two kids (almost) at school and be in my kitchen, in my Cath Kidston pinny making mimsy little cakes for a bit of loose change. Sometimes the thought of it makes me want to stick my head in the KitchenAid and turn it on, but there IS something satisfying about it and I DO feel a sense of pride when I see a box of a dozen cakes ready to be collected.

I'm currently working my way through the roasts - by that I mean, I've conquered roast chicken, I'm pretty good with roast lamb, but the others need a bit of work. I made roast pork the other week and it was top-notch - the crackling was fabulous - but then I tried a side of beef and it turned out tough as boot leather. Back to the drawing board for that one, I think. Maybe I was over-stretching myself as I chose that afternoon to make my first treacle sponge pudding. I really wasn't sure what I was doing but it turned out really, really well. In fact, so pleased was I with this first attempt that I threw caution to the wind and decided to have home-made Christmas pudding this year for the first time ever. I've made the annual Christmas cake for years but for some reason have been happy with M&S's finest when it comes to the pudding. But not this year. As I type it is steaming away on the hob. I started it as 9.30am and it has two more hours to go. I'm not too proud to admit defeat if it doesn't work, but I do rather think that it'll have to be spectacularly good to make me want to go to this much effort again in future years.

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