Monday 8 February 2010

Beef with stout and dumplings

I love comfort food, and I especially love casseroles and stews. I love the idea of them bubbling away getting more delicious as the minutes pass. So I couldn't really resist the recipe from Just Like Mother Used To Make by Tom Norrington-Davies, especially as it meant I would have to make dumplings for the first time. (I say the first time, but I have actually made dumplings before. However, it was a Weight Watchers recipe and they tasted revolting. Talking to my husband tonight we wondered whether there was any point in making WeightWatchers dumplings. Surely if you're trying to lose weight you just cut something like that out?)

Anyhoo, the stew was simple to make, using few basic ingredients (stewing steak, onions, carrots, and stout), but with plenty of little extras to season it, including bay leaves, tomato puree and a teaspoon of cocoa powder. If I make it again I'll probably use less liquid (it took a pint of stout and a pint of water) and add more veg, but they're minor quibbles.
And the verdict? Betty turned her nose up at it (I daresay being awake since 4.30 this morning had something to do with that) but Henry wolfed it down. The dumplings were a big success and Henry even asked for more, having poked them a few times beforehand and asking what they were. Sadly my husband and I weren't that keen to share.

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